57 research outputs found

    Collaborative participatory research as a learning process: the case of CIP and CARE in Peru

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    Participatory research (PR) has been analyzed and documented from different points of view, but particularly taking into consideration the benefits that this process generates for farmers. Studies of the benefits of PR for other actors such as field staff, researchers and organizations have been limited, with organizational learning receiving the least attention. This paper analyzes the interaction between the International Potato Center (CIP) and CARE in Peru and makes the case that PR can also contribute to creating a collaborative learning environment that generates important lessons for the individuals and organizations involved. The paper describes the evolution of the collaborative environment of these two institutions for more than a decade. Three interactive learning periods are presented, namely the “information transfer period” (1993 –1996) the “action-learning period” (1997-2002), and the “social learning period” (on-going). Several lessons from each period, as well as changes in institutional contexts and perceptions, are described. The CIP-CARE case shows that research and developmentoriented organizations can interact fruitfully using PR as a mechanism to promote learning, as well as flexibility in interaction and innovativeness, and that a process of osmosis of information occurs between groups that use PR in a specific case to other groups within the organizations, influencing behavior. However, the paper also indicates that institutional learning should be promoted more specifically in order to extract guidelines from the lessons, which can influence the way organizations plan and implement their projects in a constantly changing environment

    El mundo de Karel: un posible puente para la introducción al lenguaje Logo

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    Se analizan los lenguajes de programación Basic, Karel y Logos en relación a su utilidad en la educación primaria. Se hace un estudio comparado y se apuesta por Logo como lenguaje de programación con mayores posibilidades y menor dificultad.The programming languages Basic, Karel and Logos are analyzed in relation to their usefulness in primary education. A comparative study is made and it is bet by Logo as a programming language with greater possibilities and less difficulty

    Terror and the Social Accumulation of Fear: Criminal Governance in Three Paraguayan Border Cities with Argentina and Brazil

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    This paper analyses and compares the operation of the criminal governance that conditions the routine and activities of the residents and the justice and security system officials of three border cities. Ethnographic strategies, such as observation, interviews, and informal conversations identified the actors, the goods, and services they exploit, as well as the mechanisms of institutional and social interaction. They act with impunity in these territories due to the control of political commodities, institutional infiltration and different mechanisms of coercion based on symbolic and brutal violence, and the engagement of criminal and disciplinary sanctioning processes, which generate terror and accumulate social fear. The paper analyses and compares the operation of the criminal governance that conditions the routine and activities of the residents and the justice and security system officials of three border cities. Ethnographic strategies, such as observation, interviews, and informal conversations identified the actors, the goods, and services they exploit, as well as the mechanisms of institutional and social interaction. They act with impunity in these territories due to the control of political commodities, institutional infiltration and different mechanisms of coercion based on symbolic and brutal violence, and the engagement of criminal and disciplinary sanctioning processes, which generate terror and build social fear


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    Este estudio explora las percepciones de estudiantes y profesores de un programa de Pedagogía en Inglés acerca del grado de conocimiento, criterios y frecuencia de uso de técnicas de retroalimentación correctiva por parte de profesores del área de lengua inglesa para el tratamiento de errores gramaticales propios de este contexto. Esta investigación se basa en el análisis de resultados de estudios que han examinado los tipos de retroalimentación correctiva recibida por aprendices de una segunda lengua (L2) (Lyster y Ranta, 1997; Sheen, 2004), el grado de atención a este y el nivel de asimilación (uptake) (Mackey, et al., 2003; Philp, 2003), y la caracterización del concepto 'retroalimentación correctiva' como la respuesta sistemática a enunciados erróneos, ya sea en forma de una intervención implícita o explícita (Ellis, Loewen y Erlam, R, 2006; Pawlak, 2014). Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se ocuparon dos métodos de recolección de datos: una encuesta y una entrevista semiestructurada aplicada a grupos focales. La primera se aplicó a cuatro niveles de una Pedagogía en Inglés y a los profesores de asignaturas de lengua inglesa, y la segunda para ahondar en dichas representaciones. Los resultados preliminares evidencian un nivel de congruencia entre los tipos de correctivos utilizados y la percepción de su pertinencia por parte de los alumnos. No obstante, los datos obtenidos reflejan que los alumnos de últimos niveles y algunos profesores poseen representaciones propias de la retroalimentación que no se condicen con lo descrito en la literatura. Se concluye que estos hallazgos apoyan la idea de que es necesario plantear cursos de perfeccionamiento especializado en estrategias y metodologías para retroalimentación correctiva en enseñanza-aprendizaje de una L2

    Heterogeneity in mode choice behavior: A spatial latent class approach based on accessibility measures

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    We propose a method to estimate mode choice models, where preference parameters are sensitive to the spatial context of the trip origin, challenging traditional assumptions of spatial homogeneity in the relationship between travel modes and the built environment. The framework, called Spatial Latent Classes (SLC), is based on the integrated choice and latent class approach, although instead of defining classes for the decision maker, it estimates the probability of a location belonging to a class, as a function of spatial attributes. For each Spatial Latent Class, a different mode choice model is specified, and the resulting behavioral model for each location is a weighted average of all class-specific models, which is estimated to maximize the likelihood of reproducing observed travel behavior. We test our models with data from Portland, Oregon, specifying spatial class membership models as a function of local and regional accessibility measures. Results show the SLC increases model fit when compared with traditional methods and, more importantly, allows segmenting urban space into meaningful zones, where predominant travel behavior patterns can be easily identified. We believe this is a very intuitive way to spatially analyze travel behavior trends, allowing policymakers to identify target areas of the city and the accessibility levels required to attain desired modal splits

    Entre el terror y la acumulación social del miedo: Gobernanza criminal en tres ciudades fronterizas de Paraguay con Argentina y Brasil

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    This paper analyses and compares the operation of the criminal governance that conditions the routine and activities of the residents and the justice and security system officials of three border cities. Ethnographic strategies, such as observation, interviews, and informal conversations identified the actors, the goods, and services they exploit, as well as the mechanisms of institutional and social interaction. They act with impunity in these territories due to the control of political commodities, institutional infiltration and different mechanisms of coercion based on symbolic and brutal violence, and the engagement of criminal and disciplinary sanctioning processes, which generate terror and build social fear. Este artículo analiza y compara de qué manera opera la gobernanza criminal que condiciona la rutina y actividades de pobladores y operadores del sistema de justicia y seguridad en tres ciudades fronterizas. Estrategias etnográficas, tales como observaciones, entrevistas y conversaciones informales identificaron a los actores, las mercancías y servicios que explotan, así como los mecanismos de interacción institucional y social. Actúan con impunidad en estos territorios debido a la adquisición de mercancías políticas, infiltración institucional y distintos mecanismos de coerción basados en la violencia simbólica y brutal, y la activación de procesos penales y disciplinarios sancionatorios, que generan terror y acumulan el miedo social.Entre o terror e a acumulação social do medo: Governança criminal em três cidades paraguaias fronteiriças com Argentina e Brasilanalisa e compara a governança criminal que condiciona a rotina e as atividades dos moradores e operadores do sistema de justiça e segurança em três cidades fronteiriças. Estratégias etnográficas como observações, entrevistas e conversas informais identificaram os atores, os bens e os serviços que exploram e os mecanismos de interação institucional e social. Eles atuam impunemente nesses territórios por meio da aquisição de mercadorias políticas, da infiltração institucional e de diversos mecanismos de coerção baseados na violência simbólica e brutal, bem como do acionamento de processos sancionadores criminais e disciplinares que geram terror e acumulam medo social.

    Prescription for COVID-19 by non-medical professionals during the pandemic in Colombia: a cross-sectional study

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    Antecedentes: La pandemia de COVID-19 ha llevado a un aumento en el comportamiento de la automedicación (SM). Dada la liberación masiva de información engañosa durante la pandemia, algunas farmacias recomiendan medicamentos como la ivermectina, la azitromicina, la hidroxicloroquina, entre otros, que no son útiles para prevenir o tratar la COVID-19 y podrían exponer a los pacientes a efectos secundarios innecesarios e interacciones con otros medicamentos. La gente debe estar al tanto de los usos aprobados y no aprobados, y de los posibles efectos secundarios de estos medicamentos. Justificación: El objetivo de este estudio era conocer los medicamentos, incluidos los productos naturales y los medicamentos homeopáticos, ofrecidos por los establecimientos farmacéuticos colombianos para la prevención y el tratamiento de la COVID-19, así como la información proporcionada sobre el uso seguro del producto. Métodos: El estudio se realizó utilizando el método de compras misteriosas, recopilando datos a través de llamadas telefónicas a cada uno de los establecimientos por parte de una persona capacitada que fingía ser un paciente con síntomas de COVID-19. El estudio incluyó 482 establecimientos farmacéuticos de 16 departamentos colombianos. Resultados: De los 59 medicamentos sugeridos por las farmacias, los más recomendados fueron azitromicina, ivermectina, acetaminofén, ibuprofeno y aspirina. La dosis recomendada se indicó en el 85,5% (236) de los establecimientos farmacéuticos, y el 14,5% (40) de ellos reportó los efectos adversos más comunes del producto recomendado. Alrededor del 9,4 % (26) de los establecimientos informaron de posibles interacciones de los medicamentos y sustancias recomendados con alimentos, bebidas o suplementos. Conclusión: La mayoría de los establecimientos farmacéuticos incluidos en el estudio promovieron una automedicación inadecuada para la COVID-19 en Colombia durante la pandemia.Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in the behavior of self-medication (SM). Given the massive release of misleading information during the pandemic, some pharmacies recommend drugs such as ivermectin, azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine among others, which are not useful for preventing or treating COVID-19 and could expose patients to unnecessary side effects and interactions with other medications. People should be aware of the approved and non-approved uses, and potential side effects of these drugs. Rationale: The aim of this study was to know the drugs, including natural products and homeopathic drugs, offered by Colombian pharmaceutical establishments for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, as well as the information provided on the safe use of the product. Methods: The study was done using the mystery shopping method, collecting data through telephone calls to each of the establishments by a trained individual pretending to be a patient with COVID-19 symptoms. The study included 482 pharmaceutical establishments from 16 Colombian departments. Results: Of 59 drugs suggested by pharmacies, the most recommended were azithromycin, ivermectin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin. The recommended dose was indicated in 85.5% (236) of the pharmaceutical establishments, and 14.5% (40) of them reported the most common adverse effects of the recommended product. About 9.4% (26) of the establishments reported possible interactions of the recommended drugs and substances with food, beverages, or supplements. Conclusion: The majority of the pharmaceutical establishments included in the study promoted inadequate self-medication for COVID-19 in Colombia during the pandemic.https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001402116https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=es&user=OW0mejcAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdatehttps://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000004151https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4835-9739Introducción, Materiales y Métodos, Resultados, Conclusiones, Bibliografía

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento del Caquetá, municipios de Florencia y Milán.

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    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento del Caquetá, municipios de Florencia y Milán.En el siguiente trabajo los estudiantes han plasmado de forma detallada la actividad correspondiente a la evaluación final del diplomado de atención psicosocial en escenarios de violencia, denominado la imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia desarrollado en el departamento del Caquetá en los municipios de Florencia y Milán, el presente diplomado ha sido tomado como opción de grado por el presente grupo en formación del programa de psicología de la UNAD Cead Florencia. Después de haber profundizado cada una de las diez (10) unidades en el desarrollo del diplomado, los estudiantes adquieren conocimientos básicos fundamentales para abordar situaciones desde lo psicosocial en escenarios donde se han presentado hechos violentos, impartiendo su aprendizaje en el desarrollo del ser humano a nivel familiar y comunitario desde la subjetividad colectiva, para Fabris (2010-2011), la subjetividad colectiva hace referencia a: “Denominadores comunes de los modos de pensar, sentir y actuar que tienen los integrantes de un colectivo social o cualquier subconjunto social que quiera ser considerado” mediante la actividad Foto Voz, los estudiantes adquirieron una postura subjetiva para analizar situaciones que han generado memoria histórica en diversos escenarios donde a través de un profundo análisis interpretaron las realidades psicosociales y sus hechos socio históricos. Como parte del proceso se analizan una serie de relatos donde los protagonistas han sido participes directos de varios eventos psicosociales traumáticos, del cual se selecciona por decisión unánime por parte del grupo el relato de vida de la señora Ana Ligia Higinio López, mujer que sufrió hechos de violencia en el corregimiento de Aquitania, San francisco Antioquia, siendo víctima del desplazamiento forzado dos (2) veces, en el relato de vida de Ana, se aprecia la capacidad de resiliencia que tiene al volver a su lugar de residencia y continuar trabajando con personas que al igual que ella han sido víctimas de la violencia, Luthar (2003), define el termino resiliencia como: “la manifestación de la adaptación positiva a pesar de significativas adversidades en la vida” Pág. (29). Finalmente para el fortalecimiento de la actividad se realiza reflexión del caso propuesto en la guía de actividades, denominado “Panduri”; el cual consiste en una comunidad de desplazados donde los estudiantes de acuerdo a sus conocimientos deben realizar posibles estrategias de intervención para su acompañamiento psicosocial, teniendo en cuanta los diversos emergentes psicosociales que causan impactos en la población. Para dar cierre a las actividades propuestas en el diplomado se resalta el compromiso y responsabilidad que asumió cada uno de los estudiantes donde se hicieron participes, expresando sus opiniones bajo los lineamientos del respeto, siendo oportunos y respaldos a partir de las diversas teoría.In the following work the students have detailed the activity corresponding to the final evaluation of the diploma of psychosocial care in scenarios of violence, called the image and the narrative as tools for the psychosocial approach in scenarios of violence developed in the department of Caquetá in the municipalities of Florencia and Milan, the present diploma has been taken as an option of degree by the present group in formation of the program of psychology of UNAD Cead Florencia. Having deepened each of the ten (10) units in the development of the diploma, students acquire fundamental basic knowledge to address situations from the psychosocial in scenarios where violent events have occurred, imparting its learning in the development of the human being at the family and community level from the collective subjectivity, for Fabris 2010-2011 collective subjectivity refers to: "common denominators of the ways of thinking, feeling and acting that the members of a social collective or any social subset that wants to be considered" through the activity Photo-voice, the students acquired a subjective posture to analyze situations that have generated historical memory in different scenarios where through a deep analysis they interpreted the psychosocial realities and their socio-historical facts. As part of the process a series of stories are analyzed where the protagonists have been direct participants of several traumatic psychosocial events, of which the unanimous decision of the group selects the life story of Ana Ligia Higinio Lopez, Woman who suffered acts of violence in the district of Aquitaine, San Francisco Antioquia, being the victim of forced displacement two (2) times in Ana’s life story, the resilience she has when returning to her place of residence and continuing to work with people who, like her, have been victims of violence, Luthar (2003), defines the term resilience as: "the manifestation of positive adaptation despite significant adversities in life" p. (29). Finally for the strengthening of the activity is carried out reflection of the proposed case in the guide of activities, called "Panduri"; which consists of a community of displaced persons where students according to their knowledge must carry out possible intervention strategies for their psychosocial support, taking into account the diverse psychosocial emergencies that cause impacts on the population. In order to close the proposed activities in the diploma, the commitment and responsibility assumed by each of the students where they participated is highlighted, expressing their opinions under the guidelines of respect, being timely and backed up by the various theories